Uniting man to God

"He that is God by nature became, and is in truth, a man from Heaven; not merely inspired [ie by the Holy Spirit], as some of those who do not rightly understand the depth of the mystery imagine, but being at the same time God and man, in order that, uniting as it were in Himself things widely opposed by nature, and averse to fusion with each other, He might enable man to share and partake of the nature of God." St. Cyril of Alexandria, On John 17.20

We Must Be Born as He is

"It was He who was begotten of Divinity,

according to His nature,

and of humanity,

which was not according to His nature,

and of baptism,

which was not his habit;

so that we might be begotten of humanity,

according to our nature,

and of Divinity,

which is not according to our nature,

and of the Spirit,

which is not our habit." St. Ephrem the Syrian, Homily on Our Lord, 2.1.

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