Christ, The Aim of Scripture

"The aim (skopos) of the inspired Scriptures is the mystery of Christ signified to us through a myriad of different kinds of things. Someone might liken it to a glittering and magnificent city, having not one image of the king, but many, and publicly displayed in every corner of the city . . . .... Continue Reading →

The Spiritual Sacrifice

"If indeed the soul takes refuge in God, believes and seeks the salt of life, which the is good and human loving Spirit, then the heavenly salt comes and kills those ugly worms. The Spirit takes away the awful stench and cleanses the soul by the strength of his salt. Thus the soul is brought... Continue Reading →

Genesis: The Book of Life

Let us contemplate together the first book of the Scriptures, a book we are likely all familiar with. However, the text of Genesis is also the source of much debate amongst Christians and even amongst those seeking to dialogue with Christians. Unfortunately, there exists much disagreement on how to read this text. One thing is... Continue Reading →

Yom Kippur – Sin and Its Reparation

Sin kills, sin destroys, sin separates. Sin is itself separation from God and the severance of our relationship with Him. The only remedy for this ail which we have brought upon ourselves is to partake once more of the Life of God which Christ has opened a path unto by His Incarnation, Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension and the sending of The Holy Spirit.

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